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Even (2018) is an interactive web piece, exhibited online in this link as part of Jerusalem Palimpsest project. Even (Hebrew for rock) is a 360° exploratory experience comprising a three-dimensional simulation of the Temple, which is hacked and rearranged. Into this simulation, The artist weaves together a chain of panoramic pictures that consist of different layers of the Jerusalem landscape. The observer, who remains in a central part of the landscape, moves toward the ׳Foundation Stone׳ which is situated in the middle of this space. The area portrayed, about one square kilometer in size, contains the holiest Jewish, Christian and Islamic sites in the world. Even describes a multi-layered reality that blends together memories from a forgotten past, messianic dreams, and moments from a fragmented present. The layers of the different landscapes come together and break apart around the observer, drawing a fine line between a Utopian idea and an apocalyptic nightmare.