A still documentation of my graduate exhibition, as installed in Hamidrasha Faculty of the arts main gallery in July 2014.
The exhibition consisted of three pieces: “Mañana Mañana“, “Ayooni” and “The Tarab Prince“. “Mañana Mañana” was playing at the entrance hall to the gallery. It was projected over the 7 meters high square-pyramid shaped ceiling. A long corridor connected this hall in to a seperate room, where “Ayooni” and “The Tarab Prince” were playing in synchronization. “The Tarab Prince” was presented on a LED screen, that slightly reflected a wall-sized projection of “Ayooni”. In order to leave the gallery, the visitors had to walk down the corridor again. That allows them to experience the “Mañana Mañana” installation again, from another perspective. All pictures were taken by Nadav Porat-Chomsky.